3 Divas |
11098 |
6 |
Abiding Love |
10775 |
4 |
Abstract Geometry |
11180 |
0 |
Ada May Musick |
10009 |
5 |
Al Abel |
10776 |
4 |
Aladdins Ring |
10390 |
3 |
Alberene |
10611 |
4 |
Alexis Sunny Pants |
10902 |
10 |
Alice's Paradise |
11173 |
4 |
Alpine Junction |
11070 |
2 |
Ambassador Of Peace |
10613 |
1 |
America Discovers Columbus |
10979 |
6 |
American Songbook |
10904 |
14 |
Amethyst Art |
10394 |
0 |
Andrew Christian |
10942 |
9 |
Aniakchak |
10395 |
5 |
Ann White |
10016 |
2 |
Apple Swirl |
10397 |
3 |
Arcturus Embers |
11100 |
19 |
Arrogant Bastard |
11182 |
1 |
Asheville Mountaineer |
10981 |
2 |
Asheville Pink Lady |
11071 |
2 |
Asheville Skyline |
10905 |
1 |
Asheville White Winged Dove |
10983 |
1 |
Ashwood Summer Sunshine |
10906 |
8 |
Asiatic Pheasant |
10018 |
24 |
Astral Voyager |
10716 |
14 |
Atlanta Full House |
10401 |
2 |
Atlantic Sunshine |
11102 |
6 |
Auntie Em |
10907 |
1 |
Aztec Furnace |
10536 |
3 |
B.J. and Ed |
10827 |
3 |
Baby Blues |
10403 |
0 |
Bachelor Kisses |
11183 |
0 |
Balade Nocturne |
11184 |
1 |
Banana Cream Cupcake |
10615 |
15 |
Banks of Jeddore |
11045 |
29 |
Banned In Boston |
10027 |
6 |
Banner Man |
10943 |
1 |
Banner of Love |
10777 |
0 |
Batgirl |
10944 |
1 |
Battle Of Jericho |
10778 |
1 |
Be Here Now |
10030 |
2 |
Better Off Blue |
11185 |
0 |
Betty Devereaux |
11152 |
2 |
Big Kiss |
10034 |
0 |
Bill Norris |
10035 |
2 |
Bill Wilgenhof |
11046 |
4 |
Bitonal Symphony |
11054 |
3 |
Bitsy |
10024 |
8 |
Black Ice |
10405 |
2 |
Blazing Cannons |
11186 |
1 |
Bloom Hilda |
10618 |
0 |
Blue Crane |
11187 |
1 |
Blue Venom |
10717 |
13 |
Blue-Eyed Butterfly |
10718 |
0 |
Bluebird Sky |
10406 |
1 |
Boadicea |
11153 |
1 |
Bold Symphony |
10043 |
2 |
Bonibrae Blue Zone |
10877 |
5 |
Bonibrae Cotton Candy Swirls |
10878 |
15 |
Bonibrae Grape Cupcake |
10879 |
16 |
Bonibrae Lemon Lime Cupcake |
10908 |
11 |
Bonibrae Mostly Ghostly |
10985 |
10 |
Bonibrae William the Great |
10945 |
0 |
Bonibrae Witches and Warlocks |
11154 |
0 |
Bored Housewife |
10909 |
5 |
Breeders Crown |
11156 |
2 |
Brian Smith |
11027 |
25 |
Bristol Cream |
10407 |
2 |
Brooke's Bright Star |
11072 |
2 |
Brown Delicious |
10947 |
7 |
Bubbly |
10038 |
3 |
Bucky Beaver |
10948 |
8 |
Bug's Hug |
10039 |
11 |
Built on the Rock |
10949 |
3 |
Bumblebee |
10040 |
0 |
Burning Hot Spot |
10619 |
1 |
But Wait, there's More |
10880 |
1 |
Butterfly Star Cluster |
11188 |
8 |
Buzz Saw |
10042 |
6 |
Cabbage Flower |
10049 |
2 |
Candy Cane Dreams |
10052 |
1 |
Cap And Bells |
10053 |
2 |
Carnal Emporium |
11189 |
1 |
Carolicolossal |
10054 |
12 |
Carpet Bagger |
10986 |
2 |
Carrara Marble |
10056 |
3 |
Carrick Wildon |
11157 |
1 |
Castle Double Debut |
10410 |
1 |
Catastrophe Waitress |
10057 |
3 |
Celestial Trinity |
11055 |
10 |
Cerise Surprise |
11047 |
35 |
Changing Colors |
10623 |
2 |
Chateau Belair |
10881 |
3 |
Cherry Blossom Discovery |
11028 |
8 |
Chew Mailpouch Tobacco |
11190 |
1 |
Christmas Ribbon |
10414 |
2 |
Clap Your Hands |
10987 |
7 |
Clarification |
10069 |
4 |
Clean Energy |
11073 |
0 |
Clear Fork |
10626 |
3 |
Cloud Chaser |
10418 |
1 |
Cloud Forest |
10628 |
0 |
Coal Miner |
10415 |
3 |
Coastal Awakening |
11191 |
8 |
Coastal Harmony |
11012 |
2 |
Coastal Starburst |
11037 |
10 |
Cookin' With Gas |
11192 |
0 |
Coral's Constellation |
11074 |
1 |
Cotton Candy Tornado |
11193 |
2 |
Cranberry Baby |
10074 |
2 |
Creature Of The Night |
10075 |
12 |
Crimson Ninja |
10833 |
2 |
Crintonic in Hot Pursuit |
11077 |
2 |
Crown Fire |
10076 |
8 |
Cupid and Eros |
11048 |
1 |
Cyber Dragon |
10951 |
1 |
Dappled Dynamo |
10910 |
5 |
Dark Witch |
10988 |
2 |
Darwin's Grapefruit Curd Tart |
11194 |
4 |
David White |
10834 |
43 |
Day Of Reckoning |
10630 |
0 |
Days Of Wine |
10080 |
2 |
Delaware Doosy |
10631 |
2 |
Dena Marie |
10419 |
0 |
Designer Jeans |
10721 |
17 |
Destiny's Child |
10084 |
2 |
Diabolique |
10086 |
1 |
Digital Dynamics |
10989 |
2 |
Digital Imagery |
10420 |
18 |
Dipped In Ink |
10088 |
7 |
Disappearing Act |
10632 |
2 |
Divertissment |
10089 |
11 |
Divinity |
11159 |
1 |
Do The Twist |
10421 |
2 |
Don Butler |
11021 |
11 |
Donna Evers |
11104 |
16 |
Donna Lynne's Delight |
11105 |
2 |
Double Dream |
10092 |
4 |
Double Ethel |
10093 |
3 |
Double Pompon |
10094 |
5 |
Double River Wye |
10095 |
5 |
Doug's Red Mercedes |
10096 |
3 |
Draco |
10422 |
31 |
Dragon Master |
10836 |
13 |
Dream Baby |
10100 |
13 |
Dream Keeper |
10635 |
7 |
Dreamfair |
11106 |
2 |
Drop Shadow |
10837 |
10 |
Dublin Elaine |
10101 |
18 |
Dyna Girl |
11107 |
6 |
Echo Echo |
10952 |
5 |
Edgy Affair |
10424 |
6 |
Eenie Allegro |
10911 |
3 |
Eggemoggin Sailor |
11108 |
6 |
Eggplant Escapade |
10103 |
24 |
Elegant Candy |
10107 |
6 |
Elevator Shoes |
11109 |
5 |
Elizabeth White |
10953 |
4 |
Emerging From Warp Speed |
11013 |
36 |
Emerging Star |
11022 |
48 |
Eminent Domain |
10912 |
5 |
Emma's Heartstopper |
10109 |
2 |
Endless Glamour |
10110 |
0 |
Energizer Bunny |
11110 |
2 |
Essence of Violet |
11111 |
1 |
Etched Mahogany |
11057 |
17 |
Ethereal Light |
10111 |
58 |
Face Plant |
11049 |
28 |
Farfetched |
10116 |
3 |
Fellow |
10838 |
3 |
Ferris Wheel |
10117 |
11 |
Final Touch |
10118 |
2 |
Finish The Race |
10882 |
1 |
Fire in the Penthouse |
11112 |
3 |
First Noel |
10642 |
0 |
First Officers Log |
10120 |
8 |
Flamingo Carousel |
10883 |
4 |
Flintshire |
11113 |
2 |
Fluttering Beauty |
10122 |
1 |
Fly Catcher |
10427 |
7 |
Flying Carpet |
10123 |
2 |
Flying Trapeze |
10783 |
0 |
Fooled Me |
10124 |
2 |
Forever Blowing Bubbles |
11114 |
2 |
Forever Redeemed |
10430 |
3 |
Forever The Optimist |
10126 |
2 |
Forsyth Tutti Fruitti |
10431 |
2 |
Forty Second Street |
10432 |
1 |
Fountain Tune |
11195 |
6 |
Fran Dean |
10128 |
3 |
Frans Hals |
10131 |
25 |
Free Spirit |
10134 |
3 |
Fresh Look |
10435 |
0 |
Frosted Hot Spot |
11115 |
20 |
Frozen Jade |
10643 |
2 |
Fuchsia Space Beacon |
11050 |
50 |
Fudge Sundae |
10437 |
9 |
Fun Time Folic |
10136 |
2 |
Gail Guye |
11023 |
41 |
Gala Greetings |
10139 |
28 |
Galactic Eclipse |
11116 |
1 |
Garden Goddess |
10440 |
5 |
Gavin Petit |
10140 |
0 |
Gay Activist |
11196 |
1 |
Gay Cravat |
10141 |
15 |
Gay Harmony |
11051 |
11 |
Genesta |
10441 |
21 |
George Caleb Bingham |
10143 |
10 |
Giddy |
10144 |
3 |
Giggle Creek |
10145 |
4 |
Ginger Girl |
10644 |
2 |
Glacial Meltdown |
10840 |
7 |
God's Wrath |
10146 |
2 |
Golden Amaryllis |
10992 |
4 |
Golden Encounter |
10762 |
16 |
Golden Scroll |
10147 |
3 |
Golliwog |
10148 |
6 |
Grace My Love |
10442 |
3 |
Grand Opera |
10443 |
2 |
Grape Ice |
10150 |
14 |
Gravity |
10913 |
1 |
Green Eyes Wink |
10151 |
21 |
Green Jay |
10445 |
3 |
Guadalajara |
10153 |
1 |
Guns Of Navarrone |
10446 |
8 |
Gypsy Jingle |
10447 |
7 |
Hakunensis |
10451 |
2 |
Hand Over Fist |
10154 |
6 |
Happy Returns |
10155 |
22 |
Harbour Lighthouse |
11014 |
0 |
Harper's Bazaar |
10726 |
5 |
Heaven And Earth |
10884 |
1 |
Heavenly Black Bird |
10955 |
3 |
Heavenly Curls |
10156 |
13 |
Heavenly Final Destiny |
10729 |
1 |
Heavenly Ghostrider |
10730 |
10 |
Heavenly Mr. Twister |
10158 |
5 |
Heavenly Orange Blaze |
10448 |
4 |
Heavenly United We Stand |
10449 |
0 |
Heavenly White Swan |
10728 |
1 |
Helen Shooter |
10159 |
6 |
Hello Screamer |
10731 |
1 |
Hemstitched |
10450 |
2 |
Her Best Bloomers |
10160 |
6 |
Here Today |
10786 |
1 |
Holiday Party |
10162 |
3 |
Hooded Cobra |
10787 |
4 |
Hot Wheels |
10163 |
5 |
How Nice |
10732 |
22 |
How's The Weather Up There |
10453 |
23 |
Huckleberry Candy |
10788 |
5 |
Hugh Two |
10733 |
4 |
Hyperion |
10165 |
18 |
I'se the B'y |
11052 |
2 |
Ice Carnival |
10167 |
3 |
If I Were A Shepherd |
10169 |
30 |
Ilana Hope |
10645 |
3 |
Illini Blessing |
10734 |
2 |
In Strawberry Time |
10646 |
2 |
In the Clouds |
11078 |
2 |
Indian Ripple |
10647 |
4 |
Indy Rhapsody |
10455 |
6 |
Inextinguishable Flame |
11079 |
5 |
Infinity |
10456 |
3 |
Inherited Wealth |
10172 |
1 |
Inner View |
10173 |
1 |
Inspiration Road |
10841 |
6 |
Intricate Matrix |
11030 |
6 |
James River Rose |
10459 |
1 |
Janie's Red Dazzler |
10957 |
3 |
Jean |
10460 |
1 |
Jeanne D'Arc |
10174 |
5 |
Jeddore Yellow Star (not registered) |
11118 |
19 |
Jedi Blue Note |
10175 |
0 |
Jedi Free Spirit |
10176 |
3 |
Jen Melon |
10844 |
1 |
Jersey Spider |
10177 |
4 |
Jimmy Kidson |
11119 |
1 |
Jo Barbre |
10178 |
9 |
Joan Derifield |
10179 |
4 |
Joan's Jool |
11160 |
8 |
Jocelyn's Oddity |
10181 |
21 |
Jodi DeLong |
11015 |
2 |
John R. Pike |
10735 |
8 |
Jolly Good Fellow |
10461 |
2 |
Joni Guptil |
11058 |
23 |
Joyce Brudd |
10914 |
1 |
Judah |
10463 |
3 |
Karen of the Lake |
11025 |
7 |
Karen Sue |
10183 |
2 |
Kathy Bouman |
11197 |
1 |
Kenora Heatwave |
11162 |
2 |
Kenora Wildfire |
11163 |
2 |
Kirsten's Corsage |
10184 |
3 |
Kiss Me Twice |
10915 |
1 |
Knoll Cottage Stolen Kisses |
11198 |
1 |
Lady Bandit |
10186 |
4 |
Lady Talk |
10916 |
2 |
Lana Ishee |
10190 |
3 |
Laughing Clown |
10192 |
4 |
Lauterbrunnen |
10917 |
2 |
Lavender Blue Baby |
10193 |
2 |
Lavender Handlebars |
10846 |
5 |
Lavender Space Journey |
11031 |
4 |
Lemon Chiffon Cupcake |
10994 |
5 |
Lemonfellow |
10195 |
13 |
Let There Be Peace |
11121 |
3 |
Lies and Lipstick |
10197 |
1 |
Light Of The World |
10198 |
0 |
Lilac Cockatoo |
10199 |
4 |
Lilac Moonchild |
11199 |
1 |
Lilacs and Lavender |
11120 |
7 |
Linda Marie |
11038 |
5 |
Little Wine Cup |
10737 |
4 |
Lloyd's Hillendale Sunrise |
11026 |
0 |
Loaves And Fishes |
10738 |
1 |
Long Legged Lap Dancer |
10651 |
10 |
Long Stocking |
10468 |
10 |
Long Tall Sally |
10467 |
1 |
Look Up Here |
10995 |
1 |
Lords and Ladies |
11032 |
10 |
Lorimer F. Banks |
11016 |
19 |
Lorna Atkins |
10653 |
1 |
Lost In Space |
10654 |
1 |
Louis Lorrain |
10207 |
1 |
Louise Mercer |
10208 |
4 |
Love Interest |
10209 |
4 |
Lovely Addition |
11122 |
2 |
Lovely Miss Laucius |
10918 |
10 |
Lovely Rose |
10471 |
6 |
Luscious Lavender Lips |
11033 |
15 |
Mahogany Belle |
10474 |
5 |
Majestic Move |
10475 |
4 |
Malaysian Monarch |
10213 |
4 |
Mama Cuna |
10476 |
15 |
Mama's Cherry Pie |
10477 |
3 |
Mango Chutney |
10657 |
3 |
Marietta Double (not registered) |
11123 |
11 |
Mariska |
10478 |
4 |
Martha Chamberlain |
10885 |
4 |
Martha Hale |
10479 |
8 |
Mary E. Banks |
11018 |
36 |
Mary Hubbell |
10862 |
3 |
Mary Reed |
10790 |
6 |
Master of Disguise |
11200 |
2 |
Mauna Loa |
10214 |
2 |
Maureen Strong |
11124 |
5 |
Mauve Tiara |
11039 |
31 |
Meenoo's Wings |
11019 |
35 |
Melanie's Smile |
11164 |
6 |
Michelle Reid |
10217 |
4 |
Midsummer Blooming Bouquet |
11034 |
3 |
Mighty Highty Tighty |
10219 |
2 |
Milady Greensleeves |
10220 |
2 |
Ming Porcelain |
10960 |
3 |
Mini Might |
10222 |
1 |
Miss Kicker |
10606 |
38 |
Miss Underestimated |
10660 |
24 |
Missouri Beauty |
10224 |
3 |
Mister Carrots |
11125 |
2 |
Moon Ladder |
10659 |
1 |
Moon Snow |
10225 |
4 |
Moonlit Caress |
10482 |
0 |
Morning Magic |
10483 |
7 |
Moroccan Sapphire |
10228 |
8 |
Moses Fire |
10229 |
7 |
Mount Ararat |
10886 |
0 |
Mulan |
10484 |
4 |
Mulberry Eye Deal |
11126 |
26 |
Muscle And Blood |
10230 |
31 |
Naomi Ruth |
10232 |
1 |
Nate |
10233 |
3 |
Neon Flamingo |
10792 |
1 |
Never Too Late |
10997 |
3 |
New Design |
10998 |
12 |
New Series |
10489 |
3 |
Niki Jabbour |
11035 |
3 |
Nina Winegar |
10237 |
4 |
Ninfa |
10999 |
3 |
Nordic Reflections |
11000 |
6 |
Northern Splendor |
10490 |
54 |
Nosferatu |
10239 |
6 |
Notify Ground Crew |
10240 |
11 |
Nova Niamh |
11053 |
32 |
Nova Scotia Ice Wine |
11082 |
1 |
Nutmeg Elf |
10241 |
7 |
Odds And Ends |
10492 |
2 |
Ole Ole |
10244 |
2 |
One Night Only |
11202 |
1 |
Optimisms Flame |
10961 |
2 |
Orange Velvet |
10245 |
1 |
Orange You a Great Guy |
11059 |
26 |
Orchid Corsage |
10246 |
1 |
Orchid Mutation |
10849 |
38 |
Origin Stories |
10795 |
16 |
Out of the Fog |
11083 |
3 |
Outrageous |
10495 |
0 |
Over Achiever |
10662 |
3 |
Overdrive |
10794 |
4 |
Paint By Numbers |
10850 |
4 |
Pandoras Box |
10248 |
9 |
Papa Smurf |
10887 |
5 |
Paper Butterfly |
10249 |
1 |
Parade Of Peacocks |
10796 |
2 |
Paradise Road |
11001 |
1 |
Patricia Hockridge |
10496 |
22 |
Peace Beyond Understanding |
10663 |
2 |
Peaches And Pomegranate |
10497 |
10 |
Phoenix Flame |
10743 |
3 |
Photon Torpedo |
10744 |
11 |
Piece of the Action |
11203 |
3 |
Pigment Of Imagination |
10664 |
1 |
Pink Diva |
11127 |
4 |
Pink Shoe Laces |
11003 |
11 |
Pink Stripes |
10966 |
1 |
Pink Triangle |
11060 |
4 |
Pink Werewolf |
11004 |
2 |
Pixie Parasol |
10256 |
3 |
Poetic Justice |
11084 |
2 |
Poltergeist |
10257 |
32 |
Pomp Perfect |
10797 |
1 |
Pookie Bear |
10258 |
9 |
Popeye |
10259 |
17 |
Prairie Blossoms |
10499 |
4 |
Prickled Petals |
11128 |
3 |
Primal Scream |
10263 |
2 |
Puerto Del Sol |
10851 |
7 |
Purple Arachne |
10264 |
3 |
Purple Badger |
10501 |
3 |
Purple Corn Dancer |
10265 |
23 |
Purple Passion's Promise |
11165 |
2 |
Quasar Caught Dining |
11040 |
42 |
Queen Eleanor |
10268 |
2 |
Queen's Petticoat |
10897 |
3 |
Radiation Biohazard |
10269 |
5 |
Rain Forest Denizen |
10270 |
13 |
Raspberry Griffin |
10798 |
0 |
Ravenmaster |
11085 |
2 |
Red Corvette |
10670 |
6 |
Red Festival |
11129 |
1 |
Red Light District |
10962 |
2 |
Red Right Returning |
10502 |
3 |
Red Sally |
10503 |
-1 |
Red Volunteer |
10272 |
16 |
Red-Edged Sunrise |
10273 |
7 |
Regal Diva's Eyeshadow |
11042 |
8 |
Regal Finale |
10274 |
2 |
Reginald |
10504 |
10 |
Reverse Orange-mosis |
11179 |
5 |
Riot Act |
10919 |
7 |
River of Denial |
10920 |
8 |
Road Warrior |
10963 |
16 |
Roaring Fork |
10672 |
6 |
Robert W. H. Baldwin |
11020 |
7 |
Rock Lobster |
10276 |
3 |
Rock with You |
11005 |
6 |
Rocket Booster |
10277 |
2 |
Rocket City |
10278 |
5 |
Role Reversal |
11130 |
13 |
Rootbeer Float |
10279 |
1 |
Rose Blast |
11205 |
7 |
Roswitha |
10673 |
1 |
Rosy Spiketail |
10745 |
25 |
Royal Charm |
10283 |
4 |
Ruffled Storm |
10674 |
1 |
Russian Easter |
10286 |
0 |
Sailors Warning |
10853 |
6 |
Salem Witch |
10287 |
1 |
Sally Sue's Lightening Strike |
11131 |
7 |
Salmon Chanted Evening |
10288 |
1 |
Sammy |
10289 |
4 |
Sammy Russell |
10290 |
16 |
Saratoga Springtime |
10291 |
26 |
Savage Splendor |
10507 |
20 |
Savannah Debutante |
10292 |
7 |
Scarlett's Web |
10294 |
9 |
Scatterbrain |
10296 |
2 |
Scrambled Legs |
10297 |
9 |
Seaedge Dot and Chet |
11043 |
13 |
Sears Tower |
10509 |
1 |
Season of the Witch |
10921 |
3 |
Selma Longlegs |
10298 |
25 |
Seven Seals |
10799 |
4 |
Shadyside |
10299 |
16 |
Shane |
11178 |
4 |
Shape Shifter |
10510 |
19 |
Shasta Blue Butterfly |
11206 |
3 |
Shattered Glass |
10854 |
3 |
Shell Carving |
10300 |
11 |
Shelton Holiday |
10301 |
6 |
Siloam Art Work |
10511 |
0 |
Siloam Bo Peep |
10304 |
3 |
Siloam Double Classic |
10307 |
8 |
Siloam Flower Girl |
11006 |
8 |
Siloam Red Toy |
10310 |
5 |
Siloam Tiny Mite |
10312 |
13 |
Singing in Key |
10855 |
5 |
Sissy Bee |
10315 |
4 |
Skeleton Man |
10512 |
25 |
Slipped My Disco |
10514 |
19 |
Smith Brothers |
10316 |
2 |
Smoke Scream |
10317 |
18 |
Smoke Shop |
11207 |
0 |
Smokestack Lightening |
10318 |
6 |
Snake In The Grass Boo |
10320 |
2 |
Snap Your Fingers |
10856 |
4 |
Snow Blizzard |
10321 |
10 |
Snowbrooke |
10515 |
1 |
So Lovely |
10322 |
17 |
So Precious |
10323 |
2 |
Socially Late |
10609 |
7 |
Soft Hearted Mother |
10923 |
13 |
Solicious |
11208 |
0 |
Some Like It Hot |
10324 |
1 |
Son of a Sailor |
10517 |
14 |
Son of a Sea Cook |
11061 |
20 |
Song Of Spring |
10890 |
2 |
Sound And Fury |
10325 |
6 |
South Seas |
10326 |
2 |
Spacecoast Sea Shells |
11132 |
0 |
Special Candy |
10924 |
2 |
Spiral Charmer |
10328 |
10 |
Spring Fling |
10800 |
4 |
Spunky Monkey |
10925 |
6 |
Star of the Morning |
11007 |
1 |
Starbase Alpha |
10857 |
3 |
Starlight Galaxy |
10520 |
1 |
Startle |
10331 |
3 |
Stella De Oro |
10332 |
48 |
Step Ahead |
10858 |
2 |
Strawberry Sweetheart |
10926 |
5 |
Stumbling Stone |
10334 |
11 |
Sugilite Sensation |
11062 |
2 |
Sun Panda |
11008 |
7 |
Sunday Gloves |
10336 |
3 |
Supermodel |
10337 |
12 |
Susan Berger |
10801 |
10 |
Susan Okrasinski |
10927 |
3 |
Suzy Creamcheese |
10522 |
10 |
Swallow Tail Kite |
10675 |
7 |
Sydney My Sunshine |
10524 |
1 |
Taco Twister |
10340 |
10 |
Tactical Deception |
11209 |
1 |
Tall Surprise |
10802 |
2 |
Taos |
10343 |
1 |
Tarantulas on Telephone Poles |
11036 |
85 |
Tardy Hardy Flower Party |
11063 |
7 |
Tears Of Love |
10344 |
5 |
Tennyson |
10346 |
3 |
Thanks For Last Night |
10892 |
2 |
Thorhalla |
10351 |
7 |
Three Seasons |
10748 |
2 |
Thumb Thing |
10348 |
1 |
Thundering Paws |
10676 |
4 |
Timberdoodle Sunset |
11064 |
4 |
Time Lord |
10861 |
2 |
Tiramisu |
10807 |
2 |
Tom Rawding |
10928 |
1 |
Topguns Abigail Hall |
10527 |
19 |
Topguns Blooming Machine |
10804 |
9 |
Topguns Double Winemeister |
10805 |
3 |
Topguns Molten Lava |
10750 |
15 |
Tower Of Babel |
10528 |
6 |
Township's Creme Anglaises |
11168 |
1 |
Township's Fantaisie |
11169 |
2 |
Township's Frivolite |
11170 |
2 |
Township's Peau de Soie |
11171 |
4 |
Township's Quintessence |
11172 |
1 |
Trajan |
10965 |
4 |
Tricuspid Passion Release |
11044 |
10 |
Tropical Experience |
11210 |
1 |
Truly Angelic |
10678 |
7 |
Try It |
10929 |
1 |
Tuscawilla Blackout |
10352 |
2 |
Tuscawilla Tigress |
10353 |
3 |
Tweaked Out |
11167 |
1 |
Twice As Nice |
10354 |
3 |
Twirling Wings |
10355 |
15 |
Two To Tango |
10357 |
0 |
Ulterior Motive |
10930 |
6 |
Unending Love |
10931 |
6 |
Unique Style |
10751 |
8 |
Up Against the Sun |
11009 |
2 |
Upgrade |
10752 |
6 |
Vanilla Fluff |
10358 |
5 |
Vanilla Gorilla |
10529 |
7 |
Vera Biaglow |
10360 |
5 |
Vernal Tutone |
10361 |
9 |
Via Dolorosa |
10809 |
3 |
Viola Vernetta |
10932 |
4 |
Violet Angel |
10530 |
26 |
Violet's Army |
10365 |
24 |
Viva Pinata |
10531 |
2 |
Walking Hand In Hand |
10367 |
2 |
Watchyl Christmas Widow |
10368 |
6 |
Watchyl Cyber Spider |
10369 |
21 |
Watchyl Dancing Spider |
10370 |
4 |
Watchyl Digital Spider |
10371 |
25 |
Wayside King Royale |
10373 |
6 |
Webster's Pink Wonder |
10375 |
42 |
Wedding Band |
10810 |
2 |
White Eyes Pink Dragon |
10753 |
14 |
White Juan |
10754 |
3 |
Whoa Mule |
10679 |
15 |
Willie Belle |
10534 |
7 |
Wilson Spider |
10379 |
10 |
Wind Frills |
10535 |
4 |
Wind Song |
10380 |
17 |
Windham Crimson Avenger |
10681 |
17 |
Wine Patch |
10683 |
18 |
Wineberry Candy |
10381 |
1 |
Winning Ticket |
10684 |
1 |
Wishful Dreaming |
11133 |
1 |
Wishing on a Star |
11010 |
6 |
Woman At the Well |
10383 |
0 |
Women Seeking Men |
10384 |
25 |
Women Seeking Women |
11088 |
4 |
Yang |
10685 |
25 |
Yellow Ninja |
10933 |
19 |
You Know Who |
10386 |
6 |
You're So Vein |
10686 |
3 |
Yukon Spring |
10387 |
8 |
Zac Attack |
11089 |
1 |
Zodiac Express |
11134 |
3 |
Zola's Pink Nightgown |
10388 |
5 |
Zona Rosa |
10389 |
2 |