'I'se the B'y' is a very nice bi-tone daylily. On hotter days there is some fading of the colours which intensifies the contrast between its petals and sepals and actually makes the flower look even better. The petals are a dusty rose colour with dark veins very distinct cream midribs. The cream colour of the midribs is also echoed on the sepals as the primary colour but they also have a light blush of rose colour. At the base of the petals and sepals the throat of the flower is a lemon yellow. This is a very hardy daylily, and relatively slow growing, even though both of the parents are very quick to clump up. The pod parent is my 2011 registration 'VIolet's Army' crossed with the pollen from Nancy Oakes' 'Miss Underestimated'. As a fairly tall daylily it will stand out in your garden with it's height and the contrasting colours of the petals and sepals. With a bud count of 17 it has a fairly long blooming season starting before the midseason and continuing to bloom for several weeks. The 3-4 way branching help to give the clumps a fairly good bouquet appearance. For naming this one I borrowed from the popular folk culture of Newfoundland. The name 'I'se the B'y' is a well-known traditional Newfoundland folk song often performed internationally with several choral arrangements available. "I'se the B'y' which means 'I'm the Boy', is also a play on words as the flower is a bitone bloom and therefore 'I'se the B'y' could be interpreted to mean 'I'm the Bi' or bitone. If you'd like a few more early season blooming daylilies, this one could fill that role well. $30.00 DF (Double Fan)
List price: $30.00
Price: $30.00
40 inches
Dormant (deciduous)
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