I've been growing this lovely, delicate looking daylily for about 6 years and wondering whether I would register it or not. Many customers who came through the garden expressed how much they liked it and I decided since I now had quite a bit of it, that it would make a good fundraiser for an appropriate group. I have been involved in choral singing for many years and it is one my passions, so I decided to help out a newly formed men's choir in Halifax, the Halifax Gay Men's Chorus. The choir provided the name for the daylily and I am happy to say that all proceeds from the sale of this dayliliy will go to their choir. The 5" flower is distinctive and is great in combination with a variety of other flower colours. It is of medium height at 30" tall and therefore versatile for landscaping purposes. It begins to bloom early in the season and with an average bud count of 15 per scape, it will continue blooming for a fairly long period of time. The flower is a bitone pattern with petals that are rose coloured with darker rose veins and sepals that are cream with rose streaks. 'Gay Harmony'comes out of my 2011 introduction 'Violet's Army' crossed with 'Ethereal Light'. It has proved to be a very hardy plant and a vigorous grower. $25 DF (Double fan)
List price: $25.00
Price: $25.00
30 inches
Dormant (deciduous)
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