Celestial Trinity

This daylily was produced by crossing my 'Emerging Star' as the pod parent with pollen from 'White Eyes Pink Dragon'. It has more of a spider look to it than its full sibling 'Joni Guptil'. However, it is registered as an Unusual Form daylily and has been an outstanding plant in my garden. It actually fits all 3 UF classifications as a Cascade, Spatulate, Crispate Unusual Form and that's why I included Trinity as part of the name. Of course it's star-like look inspired the word celestial and thus 'Celestial Trinity' seems fitting. This daylily has a lot of fantastic qualities that make it a superb garden plant. Most scapes have 5-6 way branching and over 20 buds. Now that's a lot of blooms. Adding this plant to your garden will give you a season of delight as it will bloom from 4-6 weeks as an established clump. A further rarity is that it blooms later in the season so when many other daylilies are winding down for the season it is performing really well! As a dormant, it is a very hardy plant and will come through the worst of winters. The flower is a dark rose pink with a slate halo with a wide lemon yellow throat with hints of green deep at the base of the throat. The yellow extends outward and lightens to near white on the raised and pinched midribs. For a really great plant that will add a sense of motion to your garden in a slight breeze, choose 'Celestial Trinity. Double Fan (DF) $40.00

List price: $40.00
Price: $40.00
44 inches
Dormant (deciduous)
Flower Form: 
Unusual Form
Flower Size: 