Darwin's Grapefruit Curd Tart

The daylily 'Darwin's Grapefruit Curd Tart' has proven itself a very garden worthy plant. It is a cream flower with hints of pink tones and it has a golden yellow elaborate braided edge on the petals. This daylily has a good bud count of 15, but its bud count is enhanced by the fact that it regularly pushes up immediate rebloom scapes while the first set of scapes are still in bloom. This quality, I believe it inherited from its grandparent 'Forever the Optimist', from fellow Nova Scotian hybridizer Don Longton. It is a cross between 'Martha Chamberlain' and 'Queen's Petticoat'. It's a short plant ideal for the front of the garden but the flowers are always held well above the foliage in my garden. It is named to honour Darwin Carr and his significant contribution to landscape gardening in Nova Scotia. He has been the owner of Colchester Tree Service for over 25 years. Until his recent retirement he was the botanical garden manager for the Nova Scotia Agricultural College ( now the Dalhousie Agricultural campus). It's very easy to like this daylily for it's hardiness, long season of bloom, early morning opening, and its beautiful flowers. If you're looking for a daylily to shine in the front of your garden and to provide a long season of bloom, 'Darwin's Grapefruit Curd Tart' can fill that role. $75 DF (Double Fan)

List price: $75.00
Price: $75.00
22 inches
Dormant (deciduous)
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