Linda Marie

Linda Marie

Linda Marie

The daylily Linda Marie was created from a cross between 'Flying Trapeze' and 'White Eyes Pink Dragon'. Both parents have contributed excellent qualities that make this a standout daylily in the garden. Everything from the saturated colour that holds up in the sun, down to the wonderful design of the face of the flower, to its hardiness as a plant, make this a daylily to be desired. The colour is a clear dark pink with a green-tinged yellow throat that joins with a strikingly beautiful chalky light pink watermark. The flower provides one of the most pleasing colour palettes from any of my introductions. The scapes have 3-way branching and and an average of 14 buds. Linda Marie is named to honour Linda Smith, a good friend who served on the board of the Nova Scotia Daylily Society during my time as president, and who with her husband has worked selflessly for the promotion of daylilies in Nova Scotia. $50 DF (Double fan).

List price: $50.00
Price: $50.00


  • Banks


  • 2018


  • 37 inches


  • M


  • Tetraploid


  • Dormant (deciduous)

Flower Form: 

  • Single

Flower Size: 
