Nova Niamh

'Nova Niamh' is a great one of a kind daylily. The flower colour is a beautiful combination of mauve purple with a unique blend of pastel colours reminiscent of Easter. From the dark mauve on the sepals your eye is immediately drawn towards the green throat. The green throat then expands outward where it coalesces with several shades of yellow before opening into a very wide chalky white watermark. The flower form is classified as a Crispate Unusual Form daylily. It is a full sibling to my 2018 registration 'Linda Marie' and is out of 'Flying Trapeze' x 'White Eyes Pink Dragon'. It has a bud count of 11 and 2-3 way branching. The word 'Niamh' is of Irish origin (pronounced Nee ihv) and is a feminine given name meaning bright or radiant. Beacuse the plant was hybridized in Nova Scotia I added Nova to Niamh. I want to thank my good plant friend Heather Knight for suggesting Niamh. Niamh is the daughter of the Sea god Manannan and was known for her bright golden hair. At times the flower form resembles a pixie or fairy and this was another reason for choosing Niamh. I think this is the most unique looking flower that I have registered. For those who want something a little different, it's a treasure!      In the late summer of 2020 several of my Nova Niamh plants sent up rebloom stalks that continued to bloom into early October.                                             $50 DF (Double Fan)

List price: $50.00
Price: $50.00
40 inches
Dormant (deciduous)
Flower Form: 
Unusual Form
Flower Size: 