Emerging Star

Emerging Star

Emerging Star

This daylily is a beautiful dark wine purple self with a green starburst throat fading to yellow as it extends outward on the petals and sepals. A chalky violet halo on the petals and sepals encircles the star-shaped centre. A slightly raised narrow, white midrib extends to the ends of the petals. This daylily is a vigorous grower with excellent plant habit, and as a dormant is very hardy. It has a very good bud count of 18 with 6-7 way branching. Although a midseason bloomer, the high bud count helps to extend the bloom season into mid-late. It is both pod and pollen fertile and combines my 2014 introduction 'Meenoo's Wings'  with 'Super Model'. $18 DF (Double Fan).

List price: $15.00
Price: $15.00


  • Banks


  • 2015


  • 42 inches


  • M


  • Tetraploid


  • Dormant (deciduous)

Flower Form: 

  • Single

Flower Size: 
