We are pleased to begin shipping to continental USA on a case by case basis. Orders must be for $150cdn or more. Please email your order and payment options will be arranged, you cannot order using the website. A phytosanitary inspection fee ($12.50) plus shipping and handling based on your area will be applied and you will be notified of the cost.
You may place your order online and pay through paypal. If you do not wish to order online, send your list to info@harbourbreezes.ca and we will confirm the availability of the plants and the total due with shipping and taxes.
PLEASE write: Daylily Order or Japanese Iris Order in the email subject line.
Please include the following information with your order.
Name, address, phone, email, list of plants, payment type [Cheque or money order (made out to Harbour Breezes Daylilies)]. Taxes apply on all orders.
If you order online the shipping and handling rates are added in automatically. For your information the rates are listed below. However, Canada Post's rates change periodically and it is best to check if these rates are the most recent.
ATLANTIC PROVINCES: $20.00 + 1.75 per plant
QUEBEC/ONTARIO: $26.00 + 1.75 per plant
MANITOBA TO BC: $32.00 + 1.75 per plant
Bonus Plants: You are entitled to $10 worth of bonus plants for every $50 of plants that you order (before taxes). Please e-mail us a list of plants that we can choose from for your bonus plants. YOU NEED TO EMAIL US YOUR BONUS LIST EVEN IF YOU ORDER ONLINE.
By mail: Harbour Breezes Daylilies, 10099 Hwy #7, Salmon River Bridge, NS B0J 1P0
Phone: 902-889-3179
Email: info@harbourbreezes.ca - Send your list and we will confirm availability and send you a final total. If payment is not received within 2 weeks we will contact you once before voiding the order.
If you wish to pick your order up at the garden (avoiding shipping costs) please let us know when you order. Otherwise shipping charges and the applicable taxes apply.
At this point we do not accept credit card payment with email orders. We can accept VISA/MC or etransfer but not debit on site at the gardens. For online orders you may use a credit card through PayPal's service.
You do not need to open a PayPal account. The button will take you to a secure page where you can pay to: Harbour Breezes Daylilies’ e-mail – info@harbourbreezes.ca
Orders for Japanese Irises will be sent during the month of May and early June, unless the season is early.
1.) If there is a problem with your order, please contact us immediately by phone or email.
Plants are healthy and growing when they are field dug. Once you have planted them they become your responsibility and we cannot guarantee your garden conditions or the climatic conditions.
2.) If the plant that you receive is not what you ordered we will supply the proper plant or refund your money. The mistaken cultivar is yours to keep and we will also do our best to name it, if you provide us with a photo.
Plants are reserved on a first-come first-served basis. For some cultivars, only a few plants are available, so it is best to order early to avoid disappointment. Prices are for bare-root double fans unless listed as single fan (SF) in the catalogue. Payment must be received before orders are shipped. We accept cheques or money orders (made out to Harbour Breezes Daylilies), and credit card payments online via PayPal.