Women Seeking Women

Women Seeking Women

Women Seeking Women

‘Women Seeking Women’ has been a superb daylily for many seasons in my garden. It combines my introduction ‘Emerging Star’ with Jamie Gossard’s ‘White Eyes Pink Dragon’. It is a beautiful clear coloured pink flower with a green throat opening outward to a soft lemon yellow. ‘Women Seeking Women’ has narrow white midribs and some pleating on the petals. The flower always opens well in any weather conditions and it is a hardy dormant plant. It has a good bud count of 18 and 3-way branching on 36” scapes. The large 7” flowers show up very well and provide a lovely accent to any garden. I have named it to honour my good daylily gardening friends Joan Bradley and her partner Louise Plourde. When they visited my garden a couple of years ago, I mentioned that I wanted to name a daylily ’Women Seeking Women’ (‘Women Seeking Men’ is a popular daylily already on the market). They were excited by the idea and were adamant that I would need to choose a pink daylily seedling. I am pleased to be able to fulfill that plan and dedicate ‘Women Seeking Women’ to Louise and Joan!    $55.00 DF (Double fan)

List price: $55.00
Price: $55.00


  • Banks


  • 2021


  • 36 inches


  • M


  • Tetraploid


  • Dormant (deciduous)

Flower Form: 

  • Single

Flower Size: 
